Developing Research Talent

The University of Edinburgh has supported a major investment in developing research talent through two main routes, Chancellor’s Fellowships and the Edinburgh Career Development Scheme.

Chancellor’s Fellows

Central University Training and Support for Chancellor's Fellows

Active Events:
Academic Mentoring Training (In Person)

The Academic Mentoring session will explore what mentoring is (and is not) and how to build developmental relationships to help realise an individual’s potential. It will consider the skills of mentoring and moving beyond a simple ‘advice-giving’ model – developing techniques such as consciously designing an alliance, listening, questioning and goal setting that will help you in your role as you develop and manage others. 20th February, 1.30pm - 4.30pm, Room B.09, IAD 

Coffee Morning for Fellows (In Person)

An opportunity to have a hot drink and a pastry and an informal catch up with other Chancellors Fellows.12th March, 2pm - 3pm, Levels Cafe, Holyrood Road


Past Events:
Welcome Event (In Person)

This will allow the opportunity to meet other new Chancellor’s Fellows from across the institution and hear about central level training and development opportunities that will be running. 

Working with the University Media Team (Online)

Edd McCracken, Head of Research Communications, will host a one-hour online session on how to engage the media in your research and expertise. He will talk about the support available from within the University, go into best practice tips for working with the press office and journalists, and share examples of when good communications boosted the impact of the University’s research.

Research Leader Programme (In Person)

An opportunity for Chancellor’s Fellows to reflect on leadership requirements within their fellowships – both in terms of leading teams and collaborations – to support the fellows lead projects more effectively, develop their leadership skills, and think about how to strategically make best use of their fellowships. 

Planning and Preparing Research Funding Proposals (In Person)

Get your hands dirty planning and discussing your research funding proposal and start writing a structured project plan. There will be a pre-workshop task to facilitate group discussions and feedback during the workshop.

Chancellor's Fellows Teams Space

A Chancellor’s Fellows MS Teams space has been created to allow you to communicate and share developments.  If you are a Chancellor's Fellow and would like to be added, please email 

Further Support

The Edinburgh Career Development Scheme (ECDS)

The Edinburgh Career Development Scheme (ECDS) is a large scale investment by the University to develop and support early career researchers to overcome structural barriers to career advancement. The programme aims to address under-representation of minority groups in research and innovation, provide targeted and supported opportunities for under-represented groups and to address particular challenges of precarity in the immediate years following a PhD.  

Edinburgh Career Development Scheme