Concordat Reporting

This webpage provides an update on our progress to date in supporting and implementing the principles detailed in the UK Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers, with our Concordat Reports, Action Plans and summary of actions and achievements.


The University of Edinburgh became a signatory to the Concordat in February 2020 and published its first two-year action plan in March 2021.  This plan had a strong focus on improvement of communication and information for researchers, and the creation of structures and mechanisms to support this work. 

The second two-year action plan builds on these outputs and aims to embed and support Concordat implementation across different areas of the University. 

Through consultation, cross-referencing with other frameworks and Concordats and a gap analysis, several activities were identified to structure the action plan and these were considered in the context of the three Concordat Principles

  1. Employment
  2. Environment & Culture
  3. Professional & Career Development

The 2023-2025 Action Plan was approved by Research Strategy Group (RSG) on 18th April 2023.  

Concordat Reports

Concordat Action Plans

Summary of Actions and Achievements

Do you have something to add?

If you are a researcher, research manager, or any other staff group with an interest in the Concordat, and you would like to give us feedback on what you think we should be doing, do get in touch with us.

The Concordat Implementation Group (CIG) is the main mechanism to provide feedback.  The focus of the CIG is implementing the Concordat at a University level, so we encourage our members to go back to their Schools/areas and update on developments and then feed back to the CIG; bring to the meetings and/or feed into requests for updates. 

The Postdoc Champions/Research Staff Champions are also a really good way to find out what is happening and provide feedback.

Postdoc Champions

Further Information