The Institute of Academic Development provides career development support to research staff on behalf of the University. Career Management The IAD provides workshops, consultations, resources, skills audits, case studies and mentoring to support you in thinking about your career options and taking the next steps in developing your career Career Management Career Development Consultation A research staff career development consultation is a one-to-one appointment with the IAD's Research Staff Careers Consultant. You can have as many consultations as you need and they are available all year round. Career Consultations are available on Tuesday - Thursday mornings. Career Development Consultation Career Development Consultation - online booking How to prepare for a Career Development Consultation Supervising PhD Students Research staff can be officially recognised as supervisors of Post-Graduate Research students at University of Edinburgh. Research staff can be recognised as either a co-supervisor or an assistant supervisor once they have completed the PGR supervisor training and depending on their agreed role in supervising the student. Speak to your line manager or PGR Director/Lead in your School or Institute to discuss if this role would be suitable for you. Links to the training and the Code of Practice for Supervisors and Research Students is linked below. Support for PGR Supervision Code of Practice for Supervisors and Research Students This article was published on 2022-11-17