Information about ethics and integrity as well as the processes and procedures to gain approval for your research. Research integrity & ethics policies and procedures As a researcher, you should be aware of your local research integrity and ethics policies and procedures and where to find them. This will help you to approach your research with a better understanding of how to maximise the integrity of your research and how to engage with The University of Edinburgh's ethical frameworks and policies most effectively. University policies relating to the conduct of research Including research involving animals, human participants or tissue, publications, data, HR, research students, finance and sustainability. Training Research Ethics & Integrity Training and further guidance Research Integrity You are expected to undertake research in such a way that allows others to have confidence and trust in the methods and findings of the research. This responsibility relates both to the methodological integrity of conducted research and to the professional integrity of the individuals undertaking the research. The links below provide information on policies, codes of practice, training to help you research with integrity and routes to report concerns around research misconduct. Research Integrity Your responsibilities as a researcher The UUK Concordat The Concordat seeks to ensure that research produced by or in collaboration with the UK research community is underpinned by the highest standards of rigour and integrity. Universities UK (UUK) Concordat to Support Research Integrity UKRIO Code of Practice for Research The Code of Practice for Research is an essential reference tool to support researchers and research organisations in the conduct of research of the highest quality and standards. UK Research Integrity Office's (UKRIO) Code of Practice for Research If things go wrong Resources, advice and policies related to situations where something isn't working in your professional relationships or something specific has happened that has caused you concern or distress. This could include bullying, harassment, discrimination, research misconduct, accidents, underperformance and whistleblowing. If things go wrong This article was published on 2022-11-17