An example of an advanced-career researcher. The final example is a hypothetical advanced career colleague – let’s call him Jonas. He is a very successful scholar, well recognised in his field. Jonas continues to build up his publication portfolio, and is often invited to give keynote talks, act as external examiner for PhDs or as an external member of promotion or appointment panels. However, he feels he has served his due in terms of peer review activity over his career, and is less engaged with these activities now. He is also very selective in what kinds of support he extends to earlier career colleagues, preferring to focus on his own important research. He is also sceptical of the impact agenda, which he does not see as relevant to his research. In Jonas’s case, the Tool would provide a good opportunity for a line manager to explore the paucity of leadership and collegiality activities he is engaged in. This could be a constructive discussion about where best Jonas might contribute across this dimension. The discussion could also explore whether there was potential for him to do more in the area of engagement, given increasing public interest in the topic he works on – perhaps contributing more to public events in his area. View and download a blank version of the Research Careers Tool | PDF This article was published on 2022-11-17