Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Proposal Workshop

A joint workshop between the IAD and ERO

The Institute for Academic Development and Edinburgh Research Office will run a join workshop on 11th June from 9:30-16:00.

The Teams Webinar will provide an overview of the fellowship scheme, how the University of Edinburgh can support applicants throughout the application process, and offer in-depth proposal writing prompts and advice. There are two interactive sessions during which current MSCA fellows and supervisors share their experience and answer questions. 

The workshop is run jointly by Dr Elisabetta Spano (Edinburgh Research Office) and Dr Anna Pilz (Institute for Academic Development and MSCA alumna).  

Who is the event for?

This workshop is aimed at prospective Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship applicants and their supervisors with the University of Edinburgh as host institution.